2014 ISA Executive Summit

The 2014 ISA Executive Summit brought together society leaders for a planning session facilitated by Billy Bennett of Pyramid ODI. Over two days of discussion, brainstorming, and deliberation, the group established five strategic goals for ISA. As Vice President of Strategic Planning for ISA, my role will be to assist the development, communication, and implementation … Read more

ISA Marketing and Sales Summit Social Media Workshop

The sad reality is that most businesses suck at social media. Most often, it’s because they don’t understand the fact that traditional (outbound) marketing strategies are incompatible with social media (inbound) marketing channels. When faced with disappointing results from those efforts, the companies will frequently double down on ineffective tactics or even blame the medium … Read more

How NOT to SUCK at Social Media

How Not to SUCK at Social Media

Let’s face it, we’re a good four years into this social media thing and most companies still suck at it. The fundamental reason why companies fail at social media is mixed norms – applying economic norms when social norms are required. But there are lots of other reasons and this webinar done in conjunction with the ISA Marketing … Read more

Social Media for Engineers

This presentation covers the four skills engineers need to master in order be most effective at social media: web apprentice, visual designer, storyteller and marketer. Based on my book, Social Media for Engineers and Scientists. [slideshare id=12006656&doc=socialmediaforengineers-120314114026-phpapp01]

Leveraging Social Media & Internet Technology

This presentation was made at the Fall Leaders Meetings at ISA Expo 2009 and includes a wide range of technology topics for ISA Sections.